holistic dog training & wellness

A few of my favourite things…..3 great foods for a healthy dog

Are you someone who wants to throw in every kind of supplement there is just to make sure your dog is getting the minimum nutrients he needs in his food?  Well, you wouldn't be alone.  Supplements can be a great addition to balance out your pet's food, but there's some important principles to note to ensure you are actually supporting your dog's health rather than potentially compromising it. Firstly, a little goes a...

Reading dog food labels – know the tricks of the trade!

Most of us put a lot of trust in pet food manufacturers, particularly when we are dishing out a lot of money on 'premium' dog foods. But do you really know what you are feeding your dog? Do you read and fully understand the labelling on commercial dog foods you give to your pet? There's a few important tricks of the dog food trade that can make it challenging to figure out exactly what  you are feeding to your...

Foods to help manage your dog’s behaviour

While research is still a bit thin on the ground about the influence of diet on behaviour in dogs, there are some really interesting studies on humans and animals that suggest we can help prevent or at least support the treatment of dog's that have behavioural issues. A dog's behaviour is heavily influenced by its nervous and endocrine (hormones) systems. In turn, these systems rely on an appropriate balance of nutrients to...

Golden paste recipe

Turmeric or "Golden" paste contains the wondrous ingredient curcumin, which has been demonstrated anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-oxidant and immune-boosting effects.  Many recipes for golden paste include some sort of a fatty base (usually coconut oil*), which helps with absorbing the curcumin into the the system.  Heating the formula and adding cracked black pepper are also frequently noted as supporting its efficacy in the...